Digital Detox

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In today’s world everything seems to revolve around our phones, social media, and being immersed into the digital world. we seem to devote our time and energy connecting with people digitally rather than face-to-face interaction. every now and then it is important to take a step back, unplug, and take a digital cleanse. here are our tips and tricks to help you get started! in today’s world everything seems to revolve around our phones, social media, and being immersed into the digital world. we seem to devote our time and energy connecting with people digitally rather than face-to-face interaction. every now and then it is important to take a step back, unplug, and take a digital cleanse. here are our tips and tricks to help you get started!

Take A Morning Cleanse From Social Media 

Many of us are guilty of reaching straight for our phones and scrolling through social media as soon as we wake up! Social media takes up a lot of time in our daily lives, and there is no telling whether it will have a positive or negative effect on our minds. Taking a daily morning cleanse of social media can help you start the day off with a clear mind and give you time to focus on more productive activities. If you find yourself not being able to stray away from social media try listening to a podcast or audio book instead; this way you can listen while going about your morning routine. 

Tech Free Zones

One of the best ways to cut down technology use is to set times and places where it is and isn’t acceptable to use your phone or other technology. Whether it be at dinner, an outing with friends, or maybe a specific place; setting these boundaries will slowly ease you into using your phone less often.  

Make Time For Hobbies 

Staying digitally unplugged can sometimes be a challenge, but if you occupy yourself with other activities it can be a much easier transition. Make time for activities, hobbies that you enjoy; keeping yourself occupied with activities you enjoy is a great way to stray away from technology. 

A Quick Clean Out

While social media is a great way to keep up and in touch with our friends and all the latest news it can also a be a negative and toxic platform. It is important to be proactive about who and what we follow! Only follow things that are positive and things you actually care about - unfollow any accounts, people, apps that don’t bring you joy. 


What Are your tips to digitally detox?

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